Sunday, June 3, 2012

Bahay Kubo Center: volunteering opportunity

Bahay Kubo Center, a program which teaches conversational Filipino, folk dancing, arts, and more, was established in 2005.  It opened in summer 2006 and in that same year CSUN FASA got involved in volunteering there.  On a weekly basis on Saturdays, FASA helps in the setting up and putting away of materials.  FASA has previously helped teach dances as well.  After set up, volunteers have the choice of sitting in lessons, where they can observe and even learn some Filipino words and phrases if they do not know them already.

Interested in Bahay Kubo Center:

Interested in volunteering contact your current Community Chair:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fall 2012 Board Nomination Thurs., April 26

There's a leader in you, we know it, and you know it, if you don't know it, join board and then you will know it.

This Thursday, April 26 nominate yourself and or other members for Fall 2012 Board positions. USU Flintridge Room 6:30p.m.

Nominate members who illustrate potential leadership, creat...ivity, motivation and or other traits to make FASA better than ever.

Position on board is not only fun, but also rewarding. It is a chance to gain skills you would unlikely gain in classes and in most cases at work.

Remember in the work world, they don't just care about your degree, they want to see your involvements, not just any involvements, but active involvement. Joining board will exemplify that.

Until then have a great week!